About Student Services

  • Our Student Services Department helps students and families navigate the complex academic and social needs of school. As young people grow and pass through different developmental stages, they may find that their school needs also change. Our team is here to support students and families through every stage of education.  

    The Student Services Department supports students on Individual Education Plans (IEP), 504 Accommodation Plans, and oversees our district counseling programs. In addition, families who may be experiencing homelessness, guardians of children in foster care, and families whose first language is not English can find resources here. 

    Our Student Services team is happy to assist you. Each building has a Team Coordinator, who can answer specific questions and support you in finding answers. Please see below for a listing of our staff.

young girl student with pony tails smiling to camera

Contact Us

  • Office of the Superintendent
    70 Low Street
    Newburyport, MA 01950
    978-517-5886 - FAX

Our Staff

Name Position Phone Email
Bradley Brooks Director of Student Services (978) 465-4456 bbrooks@newburyport.k12.ma.us
Gael Phillips Administrative Assistant (978) 465-4456 gphillips@newburyport.k12.ma.us
Jeanna Guardino Program Supervisor for Social/Emotional Programs (978) 465-4435 x3528 jguardino@newburyport.k12.ma.us
Elise Comeau Program Supervisor for Academic Programs (978) 465-4447 x2301 ecomeau@newburyport.k12.ma.us
Amanda Drugan Interim Special Ed Coordinator 9-12 (978) 465-4440 x5011 adrugan@newburyport.k12.ma.us