Frequently Asked Questions
What time does school start and end?
School starts at 7:45 am. The building is open at 7:35 am. Students should plan to arrive at 7:35 so they have time to use their lockers.
Students are dismissed at 2:15 pm.
How do I see my student’s schedule or grades?
Schedules and grades are posted in the online Apsen X2 portal. Every parent/guardian has access to the portal (students have their own sign on credentials). If you need help signing into Aspen X2, please see our Technology Wiki Aspen Help.
How do I contact my student’s teachers?
Our teachers are teaching for most of the day. You can contact a teacher by leaving a phone message (call the front office (978) 465-4447) or an email message. Please see our staff directory for teacher email addresses.
Who do I contact if I have a question about classwork, homework or grades?
Always start with your child’s teaching team. If the question is specific to a class, contact the correct teacher. If the question is about general policies, solving a social conflict, or addressing concerns about your child’s progress, start with the homeroom teacher. Our team-based approach allows teachers to work collaboratively to support students and parents on a wide range of issues that are typical for middle school learners. Sometimes a quick email will resolve a question, other times a phone call will be needed. Teams can also schedule video or in-person meetings.
What resources does the school have if my child is struggling with their academic work?
Our interdisciplinary teams meet weekly to discuss student progress and create individual student support plans. Please reach out to your student’s teaching team if they are struggling. Teachers will first use a range of accommodations (see District Accommodation Plan). Most students will see progress with these accommodations. Middle school learners are gradually working towards independence, but often need some support in building strong academic habits.
What are intervention programs?
Some students may need support beyond classroom accommodations. If a teaching team feels that a student could benefit from additional support, intervention programs are available during the Flex block.
How are students assigned to teams?
Every grade has two teams. Each teaching team has 6 teachers: math, science, social studies, Spanish, English Language Arts, special education. Students are assigned to a new team each year. The team assignments are made by teams of teachers, special educators and counselors who make sure both teams are balanced in terms of numbers, academic needs and gender.
Can parents/guardians request team assignments?
No. The goal of the placement process is to make sure there are two balanced teams and that every child’s academic needs are met. With over 540 students at the Nock, we cannot accept parent requests.
Are students allowed to use cell phones during the school day?
No, the Nock has an "Away for the Day" policy. Students may request permission to make phone calls to parents/guardians during the school day. Parents/guardians can also leave messages for students with the front office.
How do I volunteer?
All in-school volunteers and school event chaperones must be checked through the Criminal Offender Record Investigation (CORI) check process and fingerprinted. Please contact our main office for more information.